Tuesday, December 3, 2013


These last couple weeks have been crazy, hence why I haven't written on here! With Thanksgiving passing it really made me think about all the things I am thankful for in my life and I need to be better at not just thinking it but actually writing it down.
We had an awesome Thanksgiving with my family, and I am thankful to have a husband who gets along with my family and is so easy going. On the flip side I am also thankful to have such awesome in-laws!
I kept thinking over Thanksgiving about how grateful I am to have such a hard working husband. He has been working so hard in school over the past 5 years in order to provide a good life for our family. Sometimes I don't always act as grateful as I am because I have been working full time for the past 5 years, but I really am grateful for his dedication to being successful in school. I know all of that hard work will pay off when he finally graduates from CRNA school, and I am working hard to remain positive through all the stress and bumps along the way! (Because there have been quite a few) haha Here is our Thanksgiving family picture right before the feast!

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